Thursday, April 2, 2009

Houston Toyota Center for NBA Game

This was first time going to Houston,and Our purpose was NBA game. I really wanted to watch basketball game while I was in the U.S. We searched the internet about NBA ticket, and I noticed that the ticket price depends on the team. When one stronger team met other stronger one, and the ticket price is more expensive. As we know, two stronger teams play basketball game is more spectacular, and that's why we chose the game that the teams are Houston Rockets and San Antonia Spurs. I really looked forward to watching basketball game before we got started. It was so cool! If you ask me which team did I support? I was neutral.:) I just wanted to see a good basketball game. The time of game was Saturday night, and it was Houston Rockets' home, Toyota Center, Houston. There were many people wearing red Rockets' clothing, and many products selling in the store. When we was waiting for the game started, we saw some people who support Rockeks making noise to cheer Rockets and anticipate Rockets win the game. I also really wanted to see Yao ming, one of famous palyers of Rockets, how he paly this game. While Rockets attacked, display showed audiences "Let's go Rockets," so we said Let's go Rockets with melody. While Rockets defended, display showed audiences "defend," we also said that with melody. I really enjoyed this kinds of atmosphere! I also saw some really awesome moment that palyer got points just less than 15 Secs. Players moved so fast and played well. Because both of the strength of teams are so closed, points are also really closed. Finally, Spurs beat Rockets even if Rockets stayed their home. It was so pity, but it was a good game. Again, I really like this kind of atmosphere in basketball game or football game. I am going to go through baseball game in May. :)

1 comment:

  1. Patricia - what a COOL experience!!! I'm so glad you got to see a Houston Rockets NBA play-off game. That's awesome! My husband would be really jealous!!! He loves watching NBA games...he is always watching the teams at night after work on TV. :) I'm so glad you are getting to experience a lot of different things while you are here in the U.S. Enjoy!!! :)
