Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fredericksburg& Wildseed Farms

Fredericksburg, which is Germany heritage, is a well-known town in Texas. I heard that it is different from other Texan city, and I wanted to experience what differences they are. I chose a weekend which has trade market near Fredericksburg. I thought I made a correct decision because I went to Enchanted Rock Natural Area(last post), Fredericksburg, trade market, and Wildseed Farms at the same day. :) At noon, we went to Fredericksburg to eat lunch. I looked for a Germany restaurant which I could taste Germany meal, and I went to a Germany restaurant as blogger said. Unfortunately, I didn't choose the plate I wanted because I didn't understand the menu for Germany meal. It was not as same as I expected. After lunch, we went to trade market, which is once each month. I really like this kind of market, it is not only enjoying shopping but also experience local customs. There were plenty of vendors offering unique items. I saw many vendors offering strange items, such as used irons or number plates.(Picture one) Some vendors sold their hand made items such as wood chairs or jewelries. It was very interesting for me, and it seemed like going through local customs. After we left trade market, we went to Wildseed Farms, which is one of the national's largest working wildflower farms. There were plenty of different kinds of flowers. My favorite one is poppy as picture 4. The bee was working in the Texan flower, bluebonnet as picture 3. Fredericksburg is a good place to recognize Texan customs and natural views; moreover, Spring is a wonderful season to go there. :)

Enchanted Rock State Natural Area

Before I went there, I heard that there was a bold mountain near Fredericksburg. It's like big rock mountain. At that day, we planed to go to Fredericksburg, and our first stop was Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. While we were on the way to there, we saw many motorcycles riding on the way. It was amazing for me because their motorcycles were so cool. It took around 2 hour to Enchanted Rock, and the weather was really good at that day; it was a little bit cool but also warm while I stood under the sunshine. When we arrived there, there were some people already hiking or climbing toward the top of the mountain. Of course, our purpose was hiking or climbing toward the top of the mountain, and we knew it took around 30 min to the top. When we saw this mountain, we thought that that was wrong, and it might take more time. We hiked along the trail and then walked higher and higher gradually. While we was climbing, we could see the sightseeing near there. Actually, a part of way was so steep, so I was afraid of falling down. After I passed that part of way, it became flat, and I could see farther than when I was lower place. While I approched the top, wind was very strong! When I stood the top, my ears felt painful after five mins. The top of mountain was really flat, and there were a few plants growing there. I was a little bit surprised that how plants could grow up based on the rock. I didn't see any dust. I walked around the top and saw different view in different directions. I calculated how much time I spent on climbing from the bottom to the top, it took 30 mins! It looked like taking longer time. It was easy to climb the mountain, and it looked like big stone. It was totally different from Taiwan. The mountains in Taiwan are many covered by many trees, so my impression was that mountains should be green. Actually, I wore the slippers to climb this mountain, so while I went down the mountain, I met a guy. He said, "How can you climb the mountain?" For men, it was not suitable equipment. :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lake Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

This is flower season in Texas now, and we can see some flowers on the side of highway or some parks. I really want to see some flowers in Texas, so we went to Lake Bird Johnson Wildflower Center on weekend(May 12th 2009). It's located in South of Austin and not so far from my apartment. It was a sunny day, and the sunshine was really strong strong. Oh my God! When we arrived there, parking lot was almost full, and I thought it was popular? There were many people like family or a couple visiting there even though it costs $7 per adult. After paid for ticket, we entered the park. The park was not as big as my imagination. We saw many kinds of flowers, and some of them were too similar so that I could not distinguish what difference between those flowers are. Amount of each kind of flowers is just few, and not too much. I saw Texas flower- Bluebonnet, and some cute flowers like Black-Eyed Susan. I also found out a special grass which make me laugh- Mexican feather grass. I had never seen that before. Additionally, there were small butterflies area to see butterflies, but I couldn't find any butterflies in the park; I guessed it was too hot and butterflies stayed somewhere to escape hot weather like human. Moreover, there is a market on the side of the park selling many kinds of flowers and seeds. I saw an very interesting car in the market which can load big plants when people shop. I have seen that before, I didn't know what function it is, so I feel interested. Also, there are a shop store, a gallery, and a cafe shop, so you can spend a little time on sitting inside the park with coffee. In fact, I thought it was not worh to pay $7 for each perosn to go to the park. :(

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Blue Bell Creameries-Brenham

This was our last stop on my Spring Break trip, and it also was assigned to go by my boyfriend. He really really wanted to go to Blue Bell Creameries because his favorite ice cream is Blue Bell! The Blue Bell Creameries is located in Brenham, which is a samll town in Highway 290. When we drove back Austin from Houston by Highway 290, we went to Blue Bell Creameries in the one-third of way from Houston. When we arrived in there, there are many cars in parking lots and many people and kids waiting in line. While we entered outside the Creameris, we met a really friendly elder empolyee to tell us tour which is visting factory inside to see how to make ice cream was full today. We were so upset, but he gave us one ticket for one scoop free ice cream. Ok...we had to eat this free scoop ice cream to make us happy, so we went to ice cream shop to get one free scoop ice cream. While I apporched there, I was so surprised at many kinds flavors ice cream more than HEB sold. While I ate ice cream, I went around the creameies outside. There are some beautiful flowers, some special demo cars, and some sculptures. Of course, there is a shop store selling products of Blue Bell ice cream, and I bought one chocolate and one strawberry pencils that we can smell specific flavor in the pencil. After we were shopping and saw many people waiting in line for tour, we decided to leave. When I was walking toward parking lots, we met a friendly elder empolyee again! He made a gesture to me, and I thought he may give me some special thing? He told me they had extra one tour today, so we could wait in line right now. Oh....he gave me two gifts today, and I was really so happy to meet this friendly guy. I didn't take a picture with him, and it's so pity. After saying thanks to him, we were waiting in line for around 30 mins, and we bought admission to attend the tour. It cost $3 dollars per adult. Finally, we entered the Creameries to get started the tour. The tour showed us how to make ice cream and some machines. There is a big refrigegator showing all kinds of ice cream. At the end of tour, we got a free scoop ice cream again! I ate two scoop ice cream in Blue Bell Creameries, Brenham at that day. I thought it's really fun to visti Blue Bell ice cream factory!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Houston Toyota Center for NBA Game

This was first time going to Houston,and Our purpose was NBA game. I really wanted to watch basketball game while I was in the U.S. We searched the internet about NBA ticket, and I noticed that the ticket price depends on the team. When one stronger team met other stronger one, and the ticket price is more expensive. As we know, two stronger teams play basketball game is more spectacular, and that's why we chose the game that the teams are Houston Rockets and San Antonia Spurs. I really looked forward to watching basketball game before we got started. It was so cool! If you ask me which team did I support? I was neutral.:) I just wanted to see a good basketball game. The time of game was Saturday night, and it was Houston Rockets' home, Toyota Center, Houston. There were many people wearing red Rockets' clothing, and many products selling in the store. When we was waiting for the game started, we saw some people who support Rockeks making noise to cheer Rockets and anticipate Rockets win the game. I also really wanted to see Yao ming, one of famous palyers of Rockets, how he paly this game. While Rockets attacked, display showed audiences "Let's go Rockets," so we said Let's go Rockets with melody. While Rockets defended, display showed audiences "defend," we also said that with melody. I really enjoyed this kinds of atmosphere! I also saw some really awesome moment that palyer got points just less than 15 Secs. Players moved so fast and played well. Because both of the strength of teams are so closed, points are also really closed. Finally, Spurs beat Rockets even if Rockets stayed their home. It was so pity, but it was a good game. Again, I really like this kind of atmosphere in basketball game or football game. I am going to go through baseball game in May. :)